P&C Meetings are held every second Tuesday of each month in the school library.
2024 Committee
President: Naomi Robertson
Vice Presidents: Travis Parcsi and Sarah Longley
Secretary: Laura Farnsworth
Treasurer: Kate Conroy
Uniform Co-Ordinator: Lakshmi Yalamanchili
Canteen Co-Ordinator: Lakshmi Yalamanchili
New parents are always welcome.
Our school P & C aims to:
- Work collaboratively with school staff to promote the interests of the school
- Raise funds for the school to buy equipment not provided by Government sources
- Assist in maintaining school grounds
- Organise the school canteen & uniform shop
The P&C organises many fundraisers through out the year to assist the school to purchase resources and to subsidise certain learning activities.
Over the last few years we have purchased new shade gazebos, classroom readers, a new school sign, representative sports shirts, outdoor seating and enhancements to garden areas.